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As Oodles were the precursors of Baby Face, the COD babies are, in a way, their heirs. Originally, they were to be called Special Deliveries to go with the postal theme and also referring to birth, but because of a possible legal infringement, TYCO decided not to go with that name and went with Cuddle On Delivery instead.
Mel's original prototype Special Deliveries had flocked vinyl heads, which you can see in the video and in these photos here of "works in progress" dolls on Mel's desk. Click on the photo to see a larger picture and also a few more photos of the prototype dolls.
The COD dolls, of course, come in a variety of expressions and there are other clever "Mel touches", such as blue or pink postmarks on their diapers to indicate the sex, a bracelet for the new Mommy to discover her baby's name and "a special surprise gift direct from the Storkmaster General". Naturally, they are posable too, but not jointed like Baby Face. The COD's are smaller than Baby Face, have a vinyl head and a soft cloth body with a wire armature in the arms and legs to make the posing possible.
CODs were sold individually and also in sets with a convertible Mailbox Highchair or Cradle or convertable Mailtruck Stroller. Included in the sets were many little accessories, that we have learned to expect of a "Mel Baby". For example, this Cradle Baby comes with her adorable convertable mailbox/cradle and has the usual COD Baby Book with stamps, diaper with postal stamp to indicate boy or girl, and special hospital name bracelet, plus a sleep tee shirt, a pillow, and a blanket.